Monday, May 30, 2011

60th Earth Centered Healing Retreat,Goa.May 2011

Look at the sea
that beats its waves upon the rocks.
Join in harmony with nature

Climate Change,Challenge and Concern,
Look beyond your everyday affair
Listen to what God is telling you now!

1 comment:

Joyce Pinto said...

It makes me so happy to see the pic of our Group. What a beautiful expression - We Are All One. And I have felt that embracing moment with each one during our sharing and togetherness. I have felt that Oneness with Creation and whats more with the Essence of my soul which has since been so liberating an experience. My profound gratitude to Father Paul for being the wonderful luminary to all of us where we each witnessed in a unique way the grander version of who we are and our divine connection to nature in the trees, the hills the skies above, the ocean, the rocks, the sunrise and sunset, the singing of birds and yes everyone and everything around.
And by the way, I have been on the forgiveness walk three times since - In doing so I'm more compassionate with myself and my dealings with others. It can truly change one's world !